What is Psychotherapy?
The words “counseling,” “therapy,” and “psychotherapy” generally describe the same thing and are used interchangeably. Psychotherapy is a complex and dynamic process that develops within the specific boundaries of regular sessions between a client and a therapist. Therapy, at its best, involves the therapist and the client working together to create a common, current context. This interpersonal context, or the client-therapist relationship, is the basis for the emotional growth and transformation that occurs in psychotherapy. It’s an interpersonal, neurobiological process that can lead to lasting internal changes to your the “wiring” that makes it hard for any of us to make the changes or connections we desire.
The client-therapist relationship differs from other typical relationships in it that requires specific training to conduct as well as requirements and professional ethics around confidentiality, boundaries, and other areas. Through the non-judging, reflective, interactive nature of the therapy relationship, people can develop more understanding of their emotions and improve their ability to manage what previously felt too difficult. The process can change how we are able to tolerate and accept about feelings and parts of ourselves that are hardest to feel good about, manage, or even acknowledge. The more awareness and understanding we have about ourselves and our feelings, the more at ease we can be in our lives and in our relationships.
I often describe therapy as a process much like organizing a neglected closet…stay with me here! Our goal is to figure out what is actually in there— underneath this, behind that—and to pay attention to what the contents really mean to us. At first we open up the closet together and slowly begin to look inside, item by item, and, at some point we may find ourselves surrounded by piles of stuff, wanted and unwanted, contents for us to deal with, to examine, talk about, pay attention to, and to figure out what to do with together. Then we are left with the task of reorganizing the space in a new and different way or perhaps saying goodbye to some things altogether. What remains is more spacious, organized, and accommodating that what where we began.
At times, it may feel like there is simply too much to deal with and getting it all contained again may feel impossible or, perhaps, just opening up the space may seem overwhelming. Together, in a supportive and secure setting, this taking out, looking at, sorting through, putting away or letting go helps us move through our “stuff” in new, different, and transforming ways. Working together is a key part of this. Not being left alone with the confusion, overwhelm, or avoidance puts this otherwise impossible-feeling task within your capability.